Hospital furniture for the healthcare sector

With years of experience in the healthcare sector, Moments Furniture designs and selects furniture that meets the standards of patients, carers and visitors. Quality, durability and ergonomics are paramount. Moreover, our range meets the strictest hygiene standards for hospital furniture. 

Right from the design or selection of recliners, tables or hospital chairs, for example, we consider how the furniture can be made more hygienic and maintenance-friendly. This includes high-quality upholstery, a gap between the seat and backrest and the absence of visible seams. The ergonomics of the caregiver and patient are also paramount. 

Discover our healthcare furniture for hospitals and other applications:

Healthcare furniture  Care recliners  Hospital chairs  Hospital tables

Robust and hygienic healthcare furniture

Moments Furniture's hospital furniture can be used in a variety of applications: from the waiting room to specific departments such as paediatrics or palliative care. We strive to keep innovating our collection of furniture for healthcare institutions. To do so, we also listen to your needs.

That way, you can configure our modular healthcare furniture into the most suitable version for your daily practice. We regularly develop innovations at the request of healthcare institutions. This makes our specialised care loungers a homely alternative to wheelchairs and helps you get patients out of their hospital beds faster.